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Giving Companions New Items Permanently


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Hi guys and girls,


I am absolutely loving the game except for a few issues like bugs, the under-poweredness of magic in Skyrim and finally the inability to give companions new body armor. With this last point, I remember reading in some forum that through a series of console commands you could list the companion's inventory, remove INDIVIDUAL items one at a time, and then give them items from your inventory without having them re-equip everything they had by default (the way it would happen if you used the removeallitems console command). I have been searching on this forum for that same post without an answer. Does anyone have a strong grasp of console commands and able to tell me how to do this or maybe direct me to the page I have been looking for?




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I only know about the housecarls, I have fully equipped one , gone off on missions with others and never had a problem with gear, She always has what I have given her, I did think she had lost the gear once when I came back from a mission with another NPC, as she was sat drinking beer in my bedroom in her old gear, however when I asked her to follow me, she re equipped all the items I had given her when we left the house.
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