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Necromancy is absolute TRASH!


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oh I'd like too see a super summoned bunny kicking dragons butt :happy:


lol i'll try but don't know if bunny has attack animations but if it does i'm so going to make a master conjuration bunny summon just for a lolwut? moment

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The time limit on the ressurection is the annoying part.


If you raise something, it'd be nice if it'd stick around with you until it dies or you dismiss it. And follow you through zone boundaries. That'd at least make them an interesting alternative to atronachs. :|

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Oblivion, a lot of similar spells with different effects.


Skyrim, a lot of different spells with similar effects.


I hit psb on the console to see all the spells on the list, and there's like 200 of them, but 150 of them might be effects for npcs to use...

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I can ressurect an army of zombie chickens, in such a way that it is absolutely hilarious, and that is enough for me, because I am easily amused by farmers being murdered by zombified poultry.

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I can ressurect an army of zombie chickens, in such a way that it is absolutely hilarious, and that is enough for me, because I am easily amused by farmers being murdered by zombified poultry.


lol ya i wanted to raise a chicken but didnt want to kill it lol, ya i agree with guy above me a ways, all raised dead should be perm that would make a actual difference between atros I wish they would release the creation kit i got so many mod ideas already. ya i dont know why atros can go though doors with you but zombies turn to dust most of the time but not all of the time, which is why i belive it's a glitch. zombies should default get like a 100hp boost without a perk it would make sence if you could get 2 instead of 1. seriouslydid bethesda play test necromancy and say "well it's completely useless compaired to atronaches... ah what the hell ship it". conjuration destroys all things resembling balence, bound weaps are more powerful than any standard weapon and they soul trap and they banish deadra and undead. atronaches are just the best summons sence diablo 2 skeletons (there's nothing they can't handle lol) then necromancy feels like some tact on after thought...

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I thought about how much better atronachs and daedra are then raising undead...


You can only raise a body,.. if there is a body to raise. Where as atronachs have no such requirement.

Your raised zombie summon location cannot be chosen by you, it is raised at the place the body is laying. Atronachs can be strategically placed....

You can't choose what kind of corpse you can raise, you only get what you are given in any situation. You can choose Atronachs to suit the situation.

Corpses can only be raised once. After the time limit or it being killed the corpse disintegrates. Atronachs have an unlimited respawn


Zmobies need some sort of boost...

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