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So, I'm not sure exactly what I'm requesting here.

But some time ago, I put a mod on (can't remember which) That changes some of the menu text on my game to another language.

So, I guess what I'm asking is how I would change the text back to English....


The Menus I've noticed so far are:

The exit menu of the starter sewers (choose race,sign,class, leave)

Way Shrines of the Nine

Rune Stones

Doom Stones


I'm sure there are more I'm not remembering but yea, If someone could direct me on how to fix these, It would be appreciated.



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Unfortunately, it is very likely that the mod actually over-wrote those original fonts and maybe even replaced the screens altogether. If this is the case, uninstalling the mod may not be an option, as there would be missing files. You may have to restore the original files to remove the effects of the mod. It would help if you could remember what the mod was called.
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Well, I'm still not sure of the mod, but would you happen to know what files those are?

I was wondering, I someone were to host there versions of those file, if by placing them in my folder it would overwrite them to the originals?


Tell me if that made any sense....

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Oblivion's files don't actually appear in those folders (for the most part). Oblivion loads up the original files from the bsa's then any extra files in the folders will replace what has just been loaded. That's how replacers work. If you delete the new files (fonts in this case) then oblivion will just use the originals, which are in the bsa.


That's my understanding anyway. If I'm wrong please tell me.

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That depends on if the .bsa files were changed. I know with the Oblivion Mod Manager you can, instead of using an Archive Invalidation file, directly edit the .bsa files. If the .bsa files have been changed, then the Oblivion Mod Manager can repair them. However, any edits from other mods will be gone and have to be re-done.


That said, I don't think the language has anything to do with the .bsa files. I remember I installed one mod before that changed some things into Spanish. I uninstalled said mod, and the language returned to normal. So, all you have to do is find the mod that's causing the language change, and remove it.

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Well, after disabling a few of the mods in question, I pin-pointed the mod and fixed it, via a fix on the download page.

Thanks to everyone for there opinions and suggestions.


The mod was the following. http://tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=13885

Upon further inspection, I noticed they have posted a fix for my problem.


Much Thanks,


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