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Idea more than a request RTS skyrim


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I played fallout 3 and new vegas and for me the best part was getting the real time settler mods and building my own town. Now this had problems mainly engine limitations and a very basic crafting style. Skyrim offers great potential fistly an in built system of resorce gathering like wood cutting and mining that can be exploited and employed rather than built from scratch. Second a very bug free game compared to oblivion so allowing for extensive town to be built with out its CTD ever second you look at your town. Of course this mod will be hard to make but from what i have seen there is most certainly the skill to make it just making a suggestion like i said rather than a request, i couldn't ask someone to put week of thier lives into a mod for me. Be nice if people left thier thoughts
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I played fallout 3 and new vegas and for me the best part was getting the real time settler mods and building my own town. Now this had problems mainly engine limitations and a very basic crafting style. Skyrim offers great potential fistly an in built system of resorce gathering like wood cutting and mining that can be exploited and employed rather than built from scratch. Second a very bug free game compared to oblivion so allowing for extensive town to be built with out its CTD ever second you look at your town. Of course this mod will be hard to make but from what i have seen there is most certainly the skill to make it just making a suggestion like i said rather than a request, i couldn't ask someone to put week of thier lives into a mod for me. Be nice if people left thier thoughts


I also would love to see this, i dunno if the other modders who worked on RTS are around but arcoolka isnt around anymore (unless he can be tempted back by the new engine and crafting system which would make RTS 1k x better imho)


best place to ask maybe RTS own webpage http://fo3settler.webs.com/apps/forums/topics/show/5590298-real-time-settler-for-skyrim-?page=last i have also added my thoughts to there and i think if there is enough ppl wanting it they may release a version when CK is released. Best we can do is cross our fingers and ask them for it.

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