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Take the stupid out of the A.I.


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Sounds good to me.




I actually haven't ran about sneaking much yet, since I play a berserker type of character, but the few times I have done a bit of assassinating and cloak and dagger, I did realize the AI stupidity.


Oh, about traps... They are incredibly laughable, except for the Dwemer spinning blades ones. Only time I ever died to a trap was due to two of them popping up and pushing me against a wall, I could've hit Become Ethereal, but I was too late and died, haha. Though, I think the damage/fatality of traps should be scaled with difficulty or at least come in packs of how fatal the downloader wants it, it'd be nice not to instantly die to them all the time.


Wait a sec, just remembered another time I died to a trap, though it was a bug. I hit one of those spiked log traps and it impaled me, then my character got stuck on the log and took constant damage until he died. Now that I think of it, that's a tad bit realistic... Someone figure out how to get that to happen on purpose!



Edit: Read a few posts up and saw the thing about the Fear requests? That'd be awesome! I mean, it's kind of lame how you shred through an entire group of soldiers while raiding a castle or something, and their comrades don't even react to their friends' deaths. Maybe killing a certain amount of foes within a certain amount of time would release an AoE fear that effects hostiles?

Edited by sirenunlimited
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There is room to discuss the amount of time NPCs should be alerted for. Even 15 minutes would make you very sorry you weren't more careful playing stealthily. But also, keep in mind that having the NPCs alerted for a long time does not prevent you from still attacking. It will just prevent you from getting all the stealthy perks, which I think is a reasonable penalty for being discovered.




I DO like the witness system. That aspect of stealth/ crime in skyrim is brilliant.


+30 minutes IRL?!?!?!?!?!


This game eats enough time already.

Then don't download the damn mod.

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There is room to discuss the amount of time NPCs should be alerted for. Even 15 minutes would make you very sorry you weren't more careful playing stealthily. But also, keep in mind that having the NPCs alerted for a long time does not prevent you from still attacking. It will just prevent you from getting all the stealthy perks, which I think is a reasonable penalty for being discovered.


The best choice would be to make it stochastic. There might be a gaussian-like distribution of alertness duration randomly selected for each alert state. Say 12 mins on average with STD ~5 mins. Occasionally you would run into persistent SOBs, other times you might get away more easily.

Edited by eikka
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