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Night and Recon Vision Not Working


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My Night Vision is not working, I also just crafted a Recon Scope but it has no effect (I saw on youtube it should put a red dot on my targets).

Both Night Vision from night person perk and night vision from items (like West Tek mod) is not working.

I searched on google but I found only issues pertinent to a night vision bug blur effect or some sort.

I tried to disable the ENB then the light mods and finally all the mods but is still not working; I also verified integrity of the game.

Does anyone else had this problem?
Any solution?!

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I have the same issue with the recon scope. Tried everything to troubleshoot and reducing variables, like: no obstacles between target and me, close range, aimed for multiple seconds directly on it, checked option for floating markers in settings, verifying integrity of game cache, etc. Nothing helps and the recon is not tagging anything.


Please help, any recommendations for further troubleshooting attemps are highly appreciated.


PS: I have West Tek mod as well if that matters.




FFS. I just found out that it marks enemies perfectly once they are aware of you. The recon scope is tagging s***, if you are hidden...

Anyone know a mod or a way to fix this (like data entry via FO4 Edit)?


PS: Sorry for necro-threading. ._.




Ok, now i almost lost my s#*!. Just found out, that you can manually tag enemies by pressing action button (default: E) while you're hidden.

I leave it here so anyone who struggles like me with that can have enlightment. ^^

Edited by LukiZack
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