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Does anybody actually understand how NPC health works in FO4?


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Honestly I've been trying to wrap my head around whatever obscure formula Beth is using and whichever way I look at it it just seems to make no sense. From what I've tested, NPC health seems to be effected by level, xp offset and health, but I've had next to no luck predicting what changes to these settings will have.


I managed to reduce high level npc health to remove bulletsponges by lowering xp offset (back when it was labelled as health offset) and health to the same level as a lower level NPC who had about the right health. This seemed to work pretty well in testing, but it stopped me from accurately predicting what their health would be and being able to plan health for each NPC in any organised way.


So has anyone got the formula used to generate NPC health, and the fields I need to change in FO4Edit based on that? I'd be incredibly grateful as this has been a problem for a long time now!



Note: Thus far I have been editing individual generic NPC files (EncGunner09, etc). If there is a better way to change NPC health so I can scale it to, for example 100-300 for gunners, please let me know.

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