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Bug in third person perspective and camera zoom


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theres a bug in third person perspective that really annoys me. If the character is running and you move your mouse he runs in this direction, totally normal of course. When I'm unarmed and standing still and I move the mouse the character does not change the direction, like in Fallout for example only the camera moves. When I want to move backwards now and i turn the camera so that I see my character frontal and press w, he turns immediately 180° without any turning-animation what look really stupid. I hope you understand what i mean and I wonder why nobody else has mensioned this bug before.


I think it would be quiet difficult to add turning-animations in third person, so does somebody know a way that the character is turning when moving the mouse when unarmed and standing still like when I'm armed?


It also annoys me that the camera zooms out when I'm armed and zooms closer when I'm unarmed, is there a way that the camera distance is always the same?


Thanks for all answers.

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