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Is Skyrim worth purchasing right now?


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So after a week of the game being out, what is the general consensus on the worth of the game? If you knew then what you know now, would you still have purchased it or just kept playing Oblivion?

Trying to decide if I want to spend the cash on it just yet or wait for updates/bug fixes.

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So after a week of the game being out, what is the general consensus on the worth of the game? If you knew then what you know now, would you still have purchased it or just kept playing Oblivion?

Trying to decide if I want to spend the cash on it just yet or wait for updates/bug fixes.




I really like it, although I got it for the Xbox for now, and will pick up a PC copy down the road after all the great modders here do their thing. I still play Oblivion too just put it on the back burner for a while

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Buggy, broken, and unbalanced?

No not at this moment.


Wait for the holidays for a 'Steam Sale', and you'll be glad you did.


The moment Bethesda starts rolling out 'DLCs' for this game, is the moment Steam will start to offer sales from time to time...


Heck recently there's a 75% off oblivion GOTY sale, which shows that if you can wait a year, and play other games first, you can get Skyrim for cheap...


Or you can get Skyrim via other methods.

Edited by dra6o0n
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If you've not yet completed Oblivion I would recommend you continue enjoying it. There definitely will be bug patches plus a lot more (rather brilliant and clever) mods out by the time you're ready. :)


If you're just playing Oblivion again and are a little bored then go for Skyrim. Even with the few small bugs, it is a fantastic game that is going to have replayability for a loooong time to come.



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