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[REQ] More than 1 perk per level


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Hi i was wondering if anyone can make a mod that give you more than 1 perk each level you gained, thus when you have reached level cap you basically have been able to take all perks in game. Would rather have it this way then a cheat of adding in perks per console command.
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I'd like to see 2 perks per level, and gees, not because I think the game needs it for balance. But sometimes some people will play a vanilla character (I've already played two thieves finishing almost everything with 30+ hours on each) and sometimes people want a slightly overpowered character and hey, 2 perk per level mod with Master difficulty would be pretty fun.


And to the person up there.. no, you still won't be able master everything with 2 perks per level, you'd need 4 I think, maybe 3.

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+1, this would indeed be awesome. And guys, please don't come preaching about how it would break the game. We know what we want. I for one plan on ramping up the difficulty. Why? I like when my advancement FEELS LIKE ADVANCEMENT. I want it to be super hard in the beginning, but when I achieve something I want to be better for it. If everything scales up at the same rate as you do, your progress is just an illusion.


Ideal mod would have the following options: X additional perks every X levels, X additional attribute bonuses every X levels.


P.S. I'd love to do it myself, if I had any relevant knowledge whatsoever. I do not, so I'm going to hope some kindred soul out there feels the same way I do and makes this thing for me. Thanks in advance!

Edited by LonerActual
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