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Make Merchants Have Infinite Money


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Selling things gets extremely aggravating late-game, because you can only sell one or two things to each merchant (or sometimes items are worth more than merchants have) before they run out of cash because everything is worth so much. Please, please, please give them infinite gold, or if that wouldn't work, something like 100k would work too. I have the relevant speechcraft perks, but they barely help. Thanks a ton if you do this!
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I know! I'm trying to buy a house. I had tons of stuff but not enough gold. Every merchant only seems to have 700g on them. I had to go to 6 different merchants and that was just for the house itself. Now I'll have to go to 3 more for furnishings. :P
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I just gave my companion and fence 100k gold via the console, click them and use “additem F 100000”.


It's a trade-off in that you still have to travel back to your main city of residence / business in order to sell all of your loot, giving *every* merchant infinite gold would break immersion somewhat - would you really expect some farmer that sells apples out in his field of dirt to buy all of your expensive enchanted armor on the spot?


But you'd expect a big main city to have some gold available.

Edited by nandchan
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I know! I'm trying to buy a house. I had tons of stuff but not enough gold. Every merchant only seems to have 700g on them. I had to go to 6 different merchants and that was just for the house itself. Now I'll have to go to 3 more for furnishings. :P

If you reload the game (as it fully quit, not just to the main menu), it refreshes merchant stock and gold. That and the large amount of merchants in Whiterun make it somewhat bearable until late-game when everything costs more than the merchants have.



well, i dont completely agree with them having infinite gold, but for then to have a lot, lot more gold, but have a set daily limit to now much money they can give from selling

Hmm, yeah, I see what you mean. Your idea and nandchan's seem perfect.



I just gave my companion and fence 100k gold via the console, click them and use “additem F 100000”.


It's a trade-off in that you still have to travel back to your main city of residence / business in order to sell all of your loot, giving *every* merchant infinite gold would break immersion somewhat - would you really expect some farmer that sells apples out in his field of dirt to buy all of your expensive enchanted armor on the spot?


But you'd expect a big main city to have some gold available.

Lol, I've been resisting my massive urge to use the console because I want mah Steam achievements! I agree with what you said though. It seems like the game already keeps track of a wealth level for merchants, since, for example, in Whiterun, that dude who works the Skyforge (can't remember his name) has around 1.5k to 1k gold, and Belethor has around 750, and the merchants in stalls in the market have around 100. It seems like it shouldn't be too hard to change those values (if they work like I assume they do).



Edit for spacing.

Edited by MistahCheese
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Yeah, I suggested the idea of simply scaling merchant gold by a certain factor (and having the Speechcraft 100 perk double that scaling factor) elsewhere.


That way, our market merchants will have, say, 200 gold instead of 100 gold - still poor, but our fences will have 4k instead of 2k, and with the speechcraft master perk, 8k.

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Selling things gets extremely aggravating late-game, because you can only sell one or two things to each merchant (or sometimes items are worth more than merchants have) before they run out of cash because everything is worth so much. Please, please, please give them infinite gold, or if that wouldn't work, something like 100k would work too. I have the relevant speechcraft perks, but they barely help. Thanks a ton if you do this!

Although it's not exactly what you're looking for if you use the instant restock version you'll get the same results. Hope this helps.


Enjoy ;) Infinite Vendor Gold

Edited by Griptzion
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