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Repair guy, Cleaning lady and gardener


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There's the "Tidy Settlers" mod which has a rubbish bin to which you can assign settlers to scrap random debris over time. As far as I understand it, work is accrued over time, and applied when you zone in, and an idle marker near the rubbish bin for the assigned settler, rather than an idle marker for each object.


I'd be inclined to use a tool box as the work station to assign a maintenance person to; that, or have a tool shed to which an unlimited number of settlers can be assigned (as having multiple tools sheds, rather than just sharing one doesn't make sense to me). Perhaps a tool shed, into which multiple tools boxes can be snapped, with one to begin with, to which you can assign the first settler? Or perhaps one of the crafting stations?


Perhaps have 24 units of work accrue each day, which can be used to consume up to 24 resources to repair damaged objects (and power armour) in a settlement; it appears to cost 1 resource of each kind used to construct the object to restore an object that has been damaged beyond usefulness; perhaps have a proportional cost for a resource which is only partially damaged, starting with the less rare components. For example, if you keep repairing gun turrets, you should only ever need steel to replace damaged armour, rather than needing to replace more rare components.


I think it would be reasonable to have the assigned farmer repair damaged food resources at a rate of 1 food production per day (a maximum of 6 days to bring food production back online), as otherwise they just stand around idle when they would have been working on the resources in question. It won't have any long term impact, as food is shared across all networked settlements, and so long as you run at a modest surplus, you can afford to wear the decreased production until all the damaged resources are repaired.


For sandboxing, the repair person should use the various 'repair/crafting' idle markers all day long (more-or-less what Sturges does); I'd suggest using "Invisible Furniture" or including similar idle markers in the mod to place "repair" sandbox markers next to repairable resources. I think that the wall hammering animation and the power armour station animations would be the most appropriate vanilla animations that might work for repair animations for the non-food resources.

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As for the order to repair objects, I believe that the following should be close to optimal, presuming that it is not possible to repair everything immediately.


Pick the least resource intensive broken thing (if any).

Pick the most damaged (but still operational) thing that requires at least one resource to fix (if any).

Pick the least resource intensive broken food or water item (if any).

If repairing a water or food item would have exceeded available defence (or food + water total already exceeds defence):

* pick the least resource intensive broken power using defence item (if any)

* pick the least resource intensive broken un-powered defence item (if any)

If repairing a powered item would exceed available power (or power usage already exceeds available power):

* pick the least resource intensive broken generator (if any)


if the object is broken:

* repair the object if there is enough available effort, if not, stop.


* restore 1/n of the health of the object, consuming one resource or rarity aligned with which part of the HP bar you're restoring.


repeat until out of repair effort, or no more things to be fixed.

Edited by mrudat
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