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Transfer item enchant to a new item


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I've got a set of Dragonscale Armor with (Legendary) upgrades, but I don't use them much because I can't have the enchants I want... :( I'd love to have the Dark Brotherhood gloves and boots enchants put on a pair of Dragonscale Boots and Gloves; as well as the 40% bows from the best Circle of Archery put on a Dragonscale Helmet. I've got such a hideous combination of armor on right now because I want the effect, but the way I feel is that I'm a lvl 100 smith, sneak, archery, and enchanter; I should be able to find some RP way to do this in the world.


As the general case: I'd love a way to transfer enchants from one item (both unique items [thieves guild, darkbrotherhood, etc] and normal items[drops, storebought, crafted, etc]). It could destroy the item in the process, in fact it probably should, but I'd reallllllly love to move enchants from one item to another. Perhaps require a lvl 100 enchanting and smithing for it to work and need to use the skyforge or something. Perhaps there should just be a person in Solitude or somewhere incredibly remote that I can pay like 10000g a transaction for this?


If anyone does this, thanks a million. :D

Edited by Aceanuu
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