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Skyrim Magic Usage


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Hi all,


I read about the magic system in Skyrim where you equip a spell to a hand and can shoot a beam from it. I wondered would it be possible in Oblivion?

I'm OK with the current magic system but I think that the Skyrim system would be so much more awesome to have in Oblivion.




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Possible? Yes.

Easy? No.


Here we talk a whole magic overhaul. If you want dual cast, we also ask for hardcore scripted things. This is something that would take a lot of time. Understand that about every decent modder is playing Skyrim and cooking up ideas now. I never believed I could be looking so much forward to the CK. When will it be released?! >.<


On a second note: Get skyrim. It's awesome. It needs some work with mods, but generally awesome!




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Possible? Yes.

Easy? No.


Here we talk a whole magic overhaul. If you want dual cast, we also ask for hardcore scripted things. This is something that would take a lot of time. Understand that about every decent modder is playing Skyrim and cooking up ideas now. I never believed I could be looking so much forward to the CK. When will it be released?! >.<


On a second note: Get skyrim. It's awesome. It needs some work with mods, but generally awesome!




This. It will be at least eight more months before I can afford a PC that will run Skyrim, so I may get it for PS3 until then. Given that length of time, I may actually hold off buying it for PC until the GotY edition is released (and you know they'll have one).

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It will be especially difficult as the system isn't designed for any usage longer than a second. You would have to force a newly made animation, but anything longer than a second would mean you cannot focus the spell away anymore and you would have to stop using an animation. That means you have to fake the spell casting from an invisible object along the angle of the playerview which might get some trouble if the target is walking in circles around you and the spell would target you instead. Shortly said, probably a lot of trouble and it might not like that nicely at all.


You can take a look at what midas magic offers, maybe it has something like it or at least 50 good alternative reasons why to use it.

Edited by Pronam
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