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hardy har har, it is go see which one you can run easier i can run skyrim better then black ops (smoothness wise). I just cant hardly see anything



Actually the minimum requirments for skyrim are higher that any of bethesda's predecessors as well as black ops and their ilk. Black ops is a very gpu heavy game and was designed on the xbox 360 platform and ported to the pc and ps3. Therefore it is much easier to run on slower systems. Skyrim was built on the pc and ported to the consoles, but most importantly the pc version is much more intense. Gamebryo engine games rely very heavily on the CPU due to the way information is processed. While a board integrated gpu can certainly make things a bit difficult regarding running the game, the largest factor is your processor and its speed. I would take 5 minutes to read this article here, especially the last two pages: http://www.tomshardware.com/reviews/skyrim-performance-benchmark,3074.html


If you are unsure of your cpu's preformance compared to the minimum ones in the study, you can compare them here: http://www.anandtech.com/bench/CPU/2

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