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Weird shadow effect that follows character


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It's like some sort of cloud is constantly overhead my character, making everything immediately around me darker. It's very odd, especially since I'm still early in the game and little has happened.


My best google-fu couldn't find many cases of this, but it's not exclusive to modded versions as it even happens on console, and I can't find a fix that wasn't the good ol' "remove spell effects with console commands".

Edited by 0rigamiPhoenix
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Yeah, RLO might affect that. Personally I tried that and didn't like it, had to use auxiliary lighting too often to find things, and was going to end up missing a lot of loot.


Try changing the shadows settings in the video settings on the Steam game startup/setup screen (comes up when starting from Steam WO/SKSE).

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Ok, I'm bumping this for good measure.


It's not related to shadow settings (even though people constantly mention fShadowDistance). Some people clear it away by messing with fog, but it always comes right back. Vanilla players have experienced the issue, even on console, so it can't be a mod that causes it.

I found two videos that exemplify it: One and Two.

The best guess as to its cause is Dragonborn, as everyone mentions Raven Rock when discussing this bug, but it can anytime, anywhere, and it occurs throughout all saves with any character.


I'm honestly at a loss for how a problem like this goes unsolved.

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I get this once in a while, usually when it's night and it's snowing (I think it's the snowing action that's the key. Perhaps Solstheim is affected 'cuzza the ash?). Sometimes ducking into a building/cave then exiting back into the world fixes it. I also found recently that, if I scroll so the camera zooms out it helps (although who wants to play way zoomed out) and zooming in and out a few times even fixes it sometimes. The zooming thing isn't a sure fire fix, but I was surprised that it even works sometimes. (I have FOV at 95 so I can zoom out quite a bit, dunno if that has anything to do with it.)

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