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BSA load ordering to match esp / esm order?


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I like to keep my data folder as neat as I can especially when my own WIPs are thrown in there also. I do like MA's who take the time to pack BSA's but I know for replacer mods like texture packs it's impossible due to the game not ordering them, so they have to go in loose.


Bethesda introduced a way for Skyrim to sort BSA assets out in-line with the esm / esp load order. So I'm wondering if it could be possible to implement in NV? I know damn well that it wouldn't be easy and it's way above my skill level of programming, but something like that would be such a gain for all of NV modding.


If it isn't possible then the other thought I had was a tool that scanned the vanilla BSA files and checked for equivalent loose versions in the data folder then overwrite the vanilla BSA entry. People could get the replacer models / textures they wanted setup loose in thier data folder then run the tool to inject them into the vanilla BSA.

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