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This topic has been asked and answered.


If you want it this badly, you should learn how to do it for yourself. This community is generally very helpful for those who are willing to help themselves. It is not, however, the job of the community to cater to your personal tastes in regards to what is and is not a good enough mod for you when options are already available. I'm sorry, but that's the truth of it.

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i ased how to in another topic with no replys

im always willing to make it myself but without help ,the knowhow, proper ttutorial and not being native english speaker, it is f*#@ing hard to learn some of the stuff

and help in the community (nexus) only occourse rarely


if you wanna guide me throught this task so i can do it myself, and learn for future project, i would be honored


but just just tellin do it yourself doesnt help at all

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Everybody else who learned it, figured out HOW to learn it. Do we really need to say "Google is a thing"? There is no crash course in how to mod FO4.


Here's a pearl of wisdom for you, Learn to research. It will help you in all things in life, starting with modding.


Here's another, "Give a man a fish, he eats one meal, teach a man to fish he feeds himself for life." Is the way the saying goes, I like to add: "The guy who taught himself to fish, deserves respect."


The guy walking around saying "Hey all you fisherman I want a smoked sockeye salmon!" is going to get fisherman taking time out of their day to teach him how to tie the hook on the line? And then every other tiny beginners task that is involved in fishing?


No, the fisherman will just laugh at him.


Learn the basics, by consuming tutorials, of which there are many. They aren't all in one place, in a logical order. You'll have to find them, and let your curiosity guide you into the parts you want to learn.


When you've taught yourself the basics, and you can stand on the peer and fish with the fisherman. THEN you can say, "I'm only catching bluegill, can you help me catch a salmon?" At that time fisherman would be happy to say "I use this bait instead etc."


If you're still reading this, it may occur to you that you could have spent all the time it took to type this thread and read our responses, and used it to research modding.


Nobody will be dropping a magic here's-how-you-mod-bomb in a forum thread, because no such fish exists in the sea.

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