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Pets are your buddy


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I have looked through numerous other requests that touch on enhancing Pet realism in Skyrim but have not seen the simple things I am looking for. Having a 110lb German Shepherd IRL I'd love to see some very loving interactions with my Skyrim husky or wolf like:


1) If I sit on the ground, my dog sits next to me, or flops over with his head in my lap.


2) If I crawl into my tent in a Frostfall-cold world, the dog comes inside to stay warm (I hate seeing my game dog out in the cold even tho my GSD is happy curled up in the snow...)


3) If I throw a ball / stick / bone he runs after it.


4) If I lay down to sleep, the dog sleeps next to me.


5) Maybe idles that just include taking a knee and rubbing the dogs head. IRL if I stop moving around the dog, petting him is an automatic, absent-minded behavior.


6) I'd love him to growl and face a threat if danger is sneaking up nearby. Last one is more utility but very handy.



I love the utility mods that make pets more useful, I'd just like to see a little more RP in the loving interaction department. If one exists, I'd love to know about it.


Thank you!

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