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Remove croshairs when not equipped with a bow and in first person view


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I don't really see the need for a crosshair in first person with a melee weapon and it is starting to bother me. There is also no reason for it in third person for melee or bow seeing as the bow shoots nowhere near the crosshair in third person anyway. I would extremely appreciate a mod that removes my crosshairs at all times then makes them show up when once you switch into first person view with a bow equipped, also have it turn off if you're in third person with a bow, then switch to a melee.


And as a side though I never use magic but if I did I wouldn't need a crosshair for that either. For it to be good for everyone maybe the mod could be customizable so you can input when you want the crosshairs to show? Anyway that's what I need! Thank you! :happy:

Edited by s0u1r3ap0r
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The reason the crosshair is there by default is because a lot of people get motion sick if they have no crosshair at the center of the screen because they lose their point of orientation, and I think Skyrim's awful mouse lag would only worsen the issue. Just mentioning it, I am indifferent towards this request.
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