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Congress says pizza is a vegetable.


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The underlying meaning of this is so that schools can get away with serving it to students and skimping on the ingredients. It's like how ketchup was made a "vegetable", allowing companies which classified their tomato product in that way to make deals with schools. It's all about "making sure school lunches are "healthy"". It's all about shirking responsibility and undercutting the health of students for the sake of saving money.
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@Vagrant, is anyone, anywhere surprised by this news. Save money now. Let's not consider the fact that these students are the future of our nation and not only need to eat a healthy diet but need to learn what comprises a healthy diet. Nothing surprise me anymore :wallbash:
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The underlying meaning of this is so that schools can get away with serving it to students and skimping on the ingredients. It's like how ketchup was made a "vegetable", allowing companies which classified their tomato product in that way to make deals with schools. It's all about "making sure school lunches are "healthy"". It's all about shirking responsibility and undercutting the health of students for the sake of saving money.


True. I watched a series about the famous chef James Oliver trying to change the menu in American schools. I was amazed that big fat oil dripping French Fries are considered a "vegetable" too.- Could it also be something with nice juicy contracts? ...................Lobbyism?

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Pizza is actually bread with various toppings. True story

Well we can't doubt congress, surely they must have a way of growing pizza.


I'm sure they are trying to find those money trees as well :laugh:

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No, not really. British newspapers are the dumb ones, although The Guardian seems pretty cool.


The FSA was asked to evaluate a specific advertising claim: “The regular consumption of significant amounts of water can reduce the risk of development of dehydration and of concomitant decrease of performance.” The claim's bunk because

  • Distilled water (the product being advertised) hasn't ever been proven effective in treating dehydration. Tap water works, and saline drips work. Because they've got electrolytes. (It's what plants crave.)
  • The claim suggests there are millions of people unknowingly harmed by “chronic dehydration” (the only symptom of which is “decrease of performance”), and that you can reduce your risk of developing this dread illness by getting booster shots of water. But dehydration is an acute condition, you'll know when you have it, and even drinking a gallon of water every day won't help you on the one day you don't get enough water.

So the FSA was right to suggest that client states not allow the claim, and the UK was right in voluntarily enforcing that suggestion. Advertisers are free to re-word the claim such that it isn't bunk.


I'm sure they are trying to find those money trees as well

Well, they have one. Just flat-out printing currency has fallen out of favor, but since the recession began, the US Treasury has been the lender of choice for risk-averse investors, even though its interest rates are practically zero. If the investors' money were re-invested in the American economy such that tax revenue increased faster than the Treasury's interest rate, that's basically free money being thrown at the government from every direction.


Of course, the money is instead being used to fund tax cuts while neglecting infrastructure. So we're screwed.

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I'm sure they are trying to find those money trees as well


Well, they have one. Just flat-out printing currency has fallen out of favor, but since the recession began, the US Treasury has been the lender of choice for risk-averse investors, even though its interest rates are practically zero. If the investors' money were re-invested in the American economy such that tax revenue increased faster than the Treasury's interest rate, that's basically free money being thrown at the government from every direction.


Of course, the money is instead being used to fund tax cuts while neglecting infrastructure. So we're screwed.


I was more in the lines of The Sims Money tree rather than being serious. American politics don't really concern me as I don't even live there.



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If people actually read the goddamn bill they'd realize that Congress made the use of tomato paste qualify as a vegetable, they did not call pizza a f***ing vegetable. Of course, these days nobody can be bothered to read anything they just eat whatever the news reports as truth despite the fact that the news bastardizes the truth to get viewership.


I can't make this s*** up, here are the links.

Yea, you did make this s*** up. Maybe you should actually read the articles you posted, or even the bill in question.

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If people actually read the goddamn bill they'd realize that Congress made the use of tomato paste qualify as a vegetable, they did not call pizza a f***ing vegetable. Of course, these days nobody can be bothered to read anything they just eat whatever the news reports as truth despite the fact that the news bastardizes the truth to get viewership.


I can't make this s*** up, here are the links.

Yea, you did make this s*** up. Maybe you should actually read the articles you posted, or even the bill in question.

Nice try but no.


Congress specifically mentioned pizza with the tomato paste thing. That is one of the big reasons they wanted it changed, since pizza has more tomato paste then what the current serving is considered correct.

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Nice try but no.


Congress specifically mentioned pizza with the tomato paste thing. That is one of the big reasons they wanted it changed, since pizza has more tomato paste then what the current serving is considered correct.

You really are dense, aren't you?


Here's the committee report tendered for the bill:



And here's the bill itself:


Please identify every instance of the word 'pizza' for me, and the context in which it appears.


Oh wait, you can't, because pizza isn't mentioned even once, not once in the bill itself, and not once in the report by the committee sponsoring the bill.


Nutritional facts regarding tomato paste, which validate Congress' choice to equate tomato paste to a serving of vegetables:



Have fun being educated (i.e., you just got schooled)

Edited by lukertin
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