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Wolves love Werewolves


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I think it's silly that regular wolves will be best friends with werewolves, but still attack them as normal in their human form. Even though other human NPCs can easily detect your werewolf status (“Is that fur, coming out of your ears?”).


I think wolves should “smell” or detect on instinct the werewolf blood in individuals that have it, and be automatically friendly to them (ie. no more ambushing, and no being hostile towards me after I release them from their cages.. ungrateful little things).


Any mod in this direction would be greatly appreciated, both for roleplay value and annoyance factor.

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I would like this, even when your not transformed wolfs can smell you, however make dogs attack you, dogs hate werewolfs (according to lore), so make wolfs friendly and will help you if your fighting something near them and dogs attack you
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I would like this, even when your not transformed wolfs can smell you, however make dogs attack you, dogs hate werewolfs (according to lore), so make wolfs friendly and will help you if your fighting something near them and dogs attack you


but if you kill a dog wouldn't the whole town go aggro?



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I completely agree. It's actually a bit of an oddity that it doesn't work in human form. Probably just some script that runs when you're in werewolf form, that gets removed when you go back to human. The solution would be simple - if we had the toolset. Right now, though, not so much.


really? i havent gotten to the part where i can become a werewolf yet, i think it's really cool that wolves will befriend the player as werewolf, but yeah, i think they should still befriend the player in human form as well


Yeah, I'm sure you'd like to "befriend" some wolves.

Edited by Rebelicious
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