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Help installing optimized vanilla textures.


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As the title suggests I'm having trouble installing optimised vanilla textures with NMM. I've experience in modding skyrim but not a wizz by any means. I'm installing the HD version instead of standard and part one I can install using NMM but the second part which is the DLC textures is a manual install and comes in .7z files. I'm not sure what to do to install the 3 DLC packs that come with part 2. Any help would be much appreciated.


Link to the Mod: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/57353/?tab=2&navtag=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nexusmods.com%2Fskyrim%2Fajax%2Fmodfiles%2F%3Fid%3D57353&pUp=1

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Unpack .7z files with 7-zip program. Its free.



Then locate your skyrim game folder.


Then open another windows explorer to open your unpacked 7z files. You should see the file location (usually its data/textures) Select/hold and move these data folder/files to your appropriate skyrim game data folder (usually its data/textures).



I saw that mod. It has a readme file that contains instructions on how to install properly. Check it out

Edited by repusDude
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Ahh cheers man I'll give it a whirl. Also as far as i remember when you install mods on NMM the .esp files come up in the plugins and you can select and de-select whatever you want and rearrange the load order. I've got several mods installed such ruins clutter improved, Ultimate HD fire effects and 2k texture mods but no plugins are showing up. Is this normal or is something going wrong?

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  • 4 months later...

PrimordialCrow, you may want to make your own post and list what you've tried and read the pinned topics at the top of the forum in how to ask for help. Also, you may want to list your load order of your mods in the new post you make. In LOOT, there is a "Copy load order" selection in the menu with the 3 dots in the upper right. Just paste that in your new post in a spoiler tag.

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