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Scripting Help [Fast Travel]

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So I have been trying to figure out just enough about scripting to make the foundation for a fast travel mod, but im not getting very far. I am wondering if anyone could either right the script for me or help me do it myself. What im trying to achieve is this .



Player activates object bringing up a dialog with travel options.


Each travel option triggers a teleportation script? moving the player to a different location.


The travel options also need resource requirements depending on the distance.

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Here's a tutorial, you'll probably want to watch the earlier ones in the series though which will cover aspects like creating the menu or setting up the properties for your script.



(It's for Skyrim but that doesn't matter for most purposes).

Edited by PoliteRaider
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So ive made some progress but when i select a place to travel nothing happens, any ideas?


Scriptname RocketTravelMain extends objectreference
Message Property RocketTravel222 auto
Objectreference DrumlinDiner
Event onActivate (objectreference akaction)
Function ShowMenu(int aibutton = 0)
aibutton = RocketTravel222.show()
If aibutton == 0
elseif aibutton == 1
elseif aibutton == 2
elseif aibutton == 3
elseif aibutton == 4
elseif aibutton == 5
elseif aibutton == 6
elseif aibutton == 7
elseif aibutton == 8
elseif aibutton == 9
elseif aibutton == 10
elseif aibutton == 11
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The place you fast travel to needs to be a filled in property like this:


ObjectReference Property DrumlinDiner Auto

Then in the CK go to your script and go to properties select your DrumlinDiner property/edit property/select reference in object window. And then iether select something you want to teleport to at the drumlin diner or place a new xmarkerheading there and select that.

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well what i was wondering is instead of typing out all the objectreference locations i can create a formlist which has all the locations and somehow set the blah hard time explaining


Game.FastTravel ( Form List Index Number here instead of Objectreference) this is what i was thinking i could do


if this is not possible then is there a simpler way to go about specifying locations to travel to?

Edited by ajs52698
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