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Scripting Help [Fast Travel]

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That might work if you can add objectReferences to a form list (never tried this myself). Then you could use .GetAt(index).


For my mod I used an array of xmarker headings. at each location one was placed and the property filled in the array and the index noted down. then I created a travel function witch you give the index and it gets the correct Objectreference from the array. It's simple but quite time consuming if you want a lot of locations. Using an array does allow you to easely add more locations.



Edit: With ObjectReferences in the first line I mean acutal placed items (marker) not the base Item.

Edited by LoneRaptor
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is this what your referring to? I need something to work off of ha


ScriptName RamaFormListExampleScript extends ObjectReference

Actor Property PlayerREF Auto ; Least 'expensive' way to refer to the player
FormList Property ListOfObjectsFLST Auto ; see notes after script for more info on this property

Event OnTriggerEnter(ObjectReference akActionRef)
If akActionRef == PlayerREF
Int iIndex = ListOfObjectsFLST.GetSize() ; Indices are offset by 1 relative to size
While iIndex
iIndex -= 1
ObjectReference kReference = ListOfObjectsFLST.GetAt(iIndex) As ObjectReference ; Note that you must typecast the entry from the formlist using 'As'.
If kReference.IsEnabled()
Else ; If kReference.IsDisabled()



Got it off this wiki page http://www.creationkit.com/index.php?title=Complete_Example_Scripts#Cycle_Through_a_List_of_Objects_and_Perform_an_Action_on_Each_Object.28FormLists.29

Edited by ajs52698
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That script will go trough the intire list and enable everything, not realy what you need. I would sugest at each entry of your message (where you select where to teleport) to do this:

Game.FastTravel(YourFormList.GetAt(IntegerOfTheChosenLocation) As ObjectRefference)

Or when using and array:



For some more info on this have a look at the Travel function in my LR_APCTravelScript, and for the message part at the LR_TravelActivatorScript.

To see how the properties are filled open my esp in the CK and look at the properties of the LR_APCTravelScript on the LR_APCQuest. The important section here is the arrays group and then the locations array.


The Travel function in LR_APCTravelScript Can be a little complicated because it's doing a lot more then just fast traveling the only thing that matters is the Game.FastTravel bit and the if statemen just above it witch removes the fuel.

Edited by LoneRaptor
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