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Build a house wall by wall with books that look like walls


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So there's bandit shacks all over tge world, but how do they get there? Who builds these shacks?


Well... Why not the dragonborn?


What about a mod that makes craftable books that are actually walls you can move and place in the world like any other item.


I've seen mods that make furniture into books for moving and stuff, and i've even been bored enough to use such a mod to make a shelter out of shelves and carpets.


But it would be cool to take actual walls and make a shack anywhere you wanted. It'd give more use for wood, and you could live anywhere.


Might need a way to make it permanent in the world so your screen isn't filled with "Take Book" when you enter your home.


Maybe it becomes an actual wall, and then you have to destroy it with your axe for half the anount of wood.

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