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Oddly specific freezing


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So I recently decided to replay Fallout 3.


Completed most of Moira's quests, talked to Jane West, accepted the letter, came across Bigtown, accepted their quest, went to the Germantown Police HQ, and here's where I found my problem.


Every time I enter combat with a Super Mutant inside the HQ, my game freezes.


It doesn't matter which of my weapons I use (which is a lot), as soon as I take a shot or a whack and he starts looking my way, freeze. I'm able to shoot anything else in there, like the radroaches, but attacking a Super Mutant causes a freeze.


I could just console kill them all, which doesn't trigger the freeze, but that's a lot of precious XP I'm losing. So I was wondering if anybody knew what was happening/how to fix it, in case this keeps happening after I leave. Don't want this to become another game I've abandoned to a gamebreaking glitch.



Game stats:


Fallout 3 GOTY via Steam

No mods aside from what came with it

Running windowed

Using the bUseThreadedAI fix

Using the Windows LIVE disabler


Computer stats:

Windows 7 Home Premium SP1 64-bit

Intel Core i7-2630QM CPU @ 2.00GHz 2.00GHz


Edited by SpaceKGreen
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This sounds a lot like a corrupted animation file which can result from save game bloat. Are you saving in a new file almost everytime you save? If you continually save your game in the same or just a few save files, they eventually become corrupt and cause issues such as this.

Try a search on the Nexus forums for 'corrupted save game' or 'freezing animation fix' or some mix of those and see if you are able to find a solution for it. I'm pretty sure there is one out there.

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I agree with ElderMalaclypse, it's most likely a corupted savefile. Disable autosave and each time you go to save a game save it as a new file, if a problem ever occurs you can then easily revert to an older working save.
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