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Armor/Costume Set System


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I'm no modder, but I'm pretty sure this would require the construction set that isn't released yet. However, I figured I'd suggest it anyway.


I really want some way to create sets of armor or clothing. Example, Say I am running around fighting bandits. I want to have my best fighting gear on, so heavy armor with enchantments supporting one-handed and block or something. Then I get to a part where I want to sneak past some guard. So I switch to a set of Nightingale Armor with a ring that increases my sneaking. I'm suggesting that a mod be made that adds another option to your 'items' menu called "Sets". Inside that section you have your list of created sets along with 'Create New Set'. So, I can choose 'Create New Set', then name is 'Sneaky' and choose the equipment used in that set. Then I can favorite that set so that while I'm running around, if I need to sneak I can simply open my favorite and choose 'Sneaky'.



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+1 - a wardrobe mod (with hotkeys! and if they happened to work with the Gkeys on my Logitech keyboard that would be even more awesome) - click of the button I could go from my town clothes to my war kit.


Thanks! Someone help us! D:

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Bonus: I have no idea how complicated this will be, but an extension to the mod that allows the option to quickly and easily change your followers' and spouse's outfits. :)


I agree that we should be able to choose what our companions equip, but that would probably be included in some sort of companion overhaul. Thanks for supporting this request! :D

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  • 2 months later...

I would love a mod like this. The simple version would be to simply tie all the currently equipped items other than weapons to a hotkey. I think most people use the existing hotkeys for the favorites to switch weapons and spells. So it's unnecessary for this mod to affect weapons as well, and potentially annoying when you want to switch armor, but not weapons. There was a mod like this in Oblivion that worked great.


One thing though: It's important that users are able to choose which buttons become the hotkeys. I use only the number pad to choose from the favorites because I'm left handed. So if suddenly the number pad was taken over by this mod and I had to use the top row number keys, that would be very annoying.


There is another thread on this same topic. Perhaps they should be merged?


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