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Melvin, no! D:


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So a few days back I was doing a quest near Riften and I came across a stray dog. I asked him to follow me and he came trotting around with Lydia and I everywhere we went. I came to realise that I had to be careful when running for a long time and when going indoors as Melvin (the dog :D) would sometimes disappear. So I made a habit of quicksaving everytime I was about to go indoors. After I while I headed back to my home in Whiterun and asked Melvin to wait whilst I sorted through my inventory and got ready to settle down for the night. I assumed it would happen and I correct that when I went to sleep, Melvin was gone when I woke up. I tried 4 or 5 times and there was no way to make him stay if I went to sleep. So I decided that I would have to just let him go. I was very sad. http://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/sad.gif


Skip forward to just now where I've come to Markarth and decided I wanted to buy a war dog. I hoped that since I would officially own him he wouldn't disappear like Melvin did. But I can't even get that far. When I go to buy the war dog I'm told "sorry, you already have an animal with you". I thought Lydia might be making it go funny so I asked her to leave, but still nothing. I thought it might be because of my horses? Or does the game still think I have Melvin with me so won't let me buy a war dog? If so, is there a way I can get Melvin back? Or a way to 'reset' so it knows I don't have Melvin anymore. Or is Nethalys destined to never owning a dog companion ever again? http://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/confused.gif

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