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Weapon mods wont load


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Assuming you are using "ArchiveInvalidation"/"BSA Redirection" in NMM or FOMM, just toggle it every time you add a mod with a texture or mesh. Don't use AI in both FOMM and NMM; just one or the other. Multiple forms of AI conflict with each other. If you did have multiple forms active, disable them all, refresh your NMM profile, and then only enable the one.



Edited by dubiousintent
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Assuming you are using "ArchiveInvalidation"/"BSA Redirection" in NMM or FOMM, just toggle it every time you add a mod with a texture or mesh. Don't use AI in both FOMM and NMM; just one or the other. Multiple forms of AI conflict with each other. If you did have multiple forms active, disable them all, refresh your NMM profile, and then only enable the one.




That's what I was using and this is still happening

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That's a sign of too many plugins in your load order perhaps. Post a load order.

The Mod Configuration Menu.esp
The Weapon Mod Menu.esp
Total active plugins: 4
Total plugins: 4
This all that I have since I tried uninstalling and re-installing
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So, when you said "gun mods" are glitching, you really only meant the "L96" mod is? That actually helps simplify things.


1) Do you have NVSE installed (for the two menu mods)? Does it's log (in the game root folder) indicate any errors?


2) Have you checked that you have correctly installed the mesh and texture files for the L96? If you have toggled "ArchiveInvalidatoin", then missing mesh or texture files are the only explanation. That might be due to them not being in the correct folder, or the texture path in the mesh using an "absolute" rather than "relative" path to the texture file. However, assuming this is Millenia's mod, that would be unlikely as he is an experienced mod maker.



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So, when you said "gun mods" are glitching, you really only meant the "L96" mod is? That actually helps simplify things.


1) Do you have NVSE installed (for the two menu mods)? Does it's log (in the game root folder) indicate any errors?


2) Have you checked that you have correctly installed the mesh and texture files for the L96? If you have toggled "ArchiveInvalidatoin", then missing mesh or texture files are the only explanation. That might be due to them not being in the correct folder, or the texture path in the mesh using an "absolute" rather than "relative" path to the texture file. However, assuming this is Millenia's mod, that would be unlikely as he is an experienced mod maker.




I do have the NVSE, and this came up when I looked in the mesh folder for the L96

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That empty folder is your problem. The red exclamation mark means a mesh is missing. You should be able to fix it by downloading the mod again.

Just went and re-downloaded the mod and the mesh is still missing, is it something to do with the download on the site?

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Are you sure there isn't a separate "assets" file you need to download? That would be listed on the "downloads" page and not necessarily picked up by NMM. Perhaps it requires another mod to already be installed, that it is dependent upon? If you provide a link to the mod you are using (to ensure we get the right one) we can take a look and see if we spot some bit of information you missed.



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