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Pine trees are nice but the shadows…


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No not the quality of the shadows, that is just fine. I mean the shadows of the pine tree branches move on the ground sometimes but the branches don’t sway or move. Or they don’t move very much from searches I’ve done of posts. Understand I’m not bringing it up just because the branches don’t sway or sway very infrequently. It’s that you would think the branches should move some when their shadows move.


This is not the only game where that happens. In Unreal Tournament 2003 you can see tree branch shadows moving nicely long the ground. And it looked great then. But the trees were static. Given that the Skyrim branches may move some, although I haven’t seen it yet on pine trees, I wondered if anyone else noticed what I’ve mentioned.


Btw, the Skyrim realms are amazing, Markarth with all the water, water everywhere in the midst of structures built into the stone walls, never seen anything like that.

Edited by Elkatar
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