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Terrible Skyrim Performance


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I've been getting terrible performance (20-30 FPS, a lot of hitching and stuttering) on a pretty high-end gaming PC. I should be able to run the game Ultra, as a friend of mine who has almost identical specs can. I get this FPS regardless of which setting I set it to (low, med, high, ultra).


My PC specs are:


Intel Core 2 Quad Q9300 Overclocked @ 3.375Ghz

ASUS GeForce GTX 460 1gb Overclocked @ 810/1620/2000

Corsair Twin2 6gb DDR2 @ 800Mhz

ASUS P5k Deluxe Motherboard

Windows Vista x64


My friend's PC specs, which can run @ ultra is:


Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600 Overclocked @ 3.00Ghz

EVGA GeForce GTX 560 1gb (My GTX460 is overclocked to his 560 speeds)

4gb DDR2 @ 533Mhz

Gigabyte P35 Motherboard

Windows 7 x64


Drivers are updated to 285.79 (most recent) and I'm really frustrated.


I can max out games like Crysis 1/2, Metro 2033, Starcraft II, etc etc all perfectly fine. It's just Skyrim.

Edited by CLFY23
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I was going to ask if there are any background processes that could be interfering (i.e. slow down) with the game, but you said that you can max out Crysis, Metro, etc. so I guess the problem has to be Skyrim-specific. The first official patch from Bethesda is due in about a week, maybe it's a known bug and it has been fixed.
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