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Flipped World Map - A New Prospective


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The other day i was planning out a jump session over a mountain when I happened to spin the map around enough so that it was basically upside down. As I panned around it dawned on me how different Skyrim looked. I saw round corners I never could before, new routes to places opened up and believe it or not new mountains appeared!


Did you know how high up Riften is? Over 1000 hrs across 3 platforms and I never realised!


Then a thought crossed my mind. In my mental map Markarth is to the left, Solitude left and up and Riften to the right and down. Not anymore. The more I thought about it the more it felt like I was rubbing my stomach and patting my head! Mentally stimulating even.


I urge anybody reading this to open up a new browser tab, search for a Skyrim map, rotate it 180, plonk yourself in Whitrun and head to Solitude. Twisted melon aint it?


There was an added bonus as well in that Skyrim looked and felt even more beautiful. You can see all the waterfalls cascading down all the southern (or is that now northern) mountians, and the pan up into Riften kind of steps up the mountain and onto the plateau in a really pleasing way. It was a new Skyrim.


So what I'm basically asking for please is a 180 rotation on the World map, along with map markers etc? Compatabilty with A Quality World Map and High Quality 3D Map would also be a boon.


Overall I just thought this sounded like a relatively simple mod that has some potential to rewire your brain as well as change the way you look at and remember Skyrim.


For those that haven't already place these settings in your Skyrim .ini, these were taken from STEP and allow for more rotation on the world map. I've never tweaked since, so other values might yeild better results. Tweak at your own risk!



fMapWorldYawRange = 400.0

fMapWorldMinPitch = 0.0

fMapWorldMaxPitch = 90.0

Thanks in advance if anyone picks this up.

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