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Shivering Isles and Balance Mods


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Do any of the balance mods yet work with Shivering Isles? I decided when the expansion came out back in March or so that I wouldn't play through until I could use OOO or similar while doing so, and seeing as I just recently built a new fairly top of the line computer I figured now as the time to reinstall and give it a shot the way it was always meant to be played.
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Do any of the balance mods yet work with Shivering Isles? I decided when the expansion came out back in March or so that I wouldn't play through until I could use OOO or similar while doing so, and seeing as I just recently built a new fairly top of the line computer I figured now as the time to reinstall and give it a shot the way it was always meant to be played.

As far as I know, OOO still doesn't do anything significant to SI since OOO is still based out of 1.1. The only things you'll probably see with OOO are some of the non-SI leveled lists being changed, some of the setting changes still in effect, and being able to use OOO summons in SI. Really though, OOO wouldn't be able to do a heck of alot to SI. Most of the spawns and SI loot lists are randomized enough as is. It would have probably been done if 1.2 wasn't still buggy as hell, but you really wouldn't be seeing much difference with it being done. Most of what OOO does is fix some of the flaws with how leveled spawns and loot was done in vanilla Oblivion to something which makes the game a bit more interesting. SI really doesn't have much space to allow for more interest. You already have new spawns, groups that don't end up in daedric/glass, and a slightly better loot table for some of the SI specific stuff.

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