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Useful Houses / 2 perks per level.


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Yes i know its not currently possible to do a lot until the CK comes out. (Sorry for bad grammer, im tired).


But I wish we could get houses with trophy rooms, and more weapon and armor holders. Like this would be cool; haveing a house in each city that focused on a area of skills more then the other; while Skyrim Kind of does that it needs to be taken a lot further, also having more of the red things on the wals that can hold items would be awsome.


Now I have heard romours that there is a mod or something that you can get 2 perks per level. I cannot find it and i cannot figure out how to do this with out typing it out via console each time. But this would solve the current issue of many skills trees being entirely unpratical; because you have to put so many into a combat skill and then another support skill, thats almost 25 perks right there.

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