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Xcom 2: Saving specific multiple squads


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I dont know about you guys but when I play xcom 2. I like to take a different squad with on different missions. for example, if it is a very difficult mission I take my A Team. If the mission is just difficult I may take a squad of lower ranked characters, so I can level them up a bit. I am so tired of removing people and then sifting through my list of 40 squad members to find the group I want to take. A mod that would allow you to put together different squads and save them to be chosen with the click of a button would be awesome. I don't know how to mod yet though. If there is anyone out there who knows how to do such a mod. I think it would interest quite a few players.

Please let me know if you know of such a mod, or are able to create one.



Edited by rifraf78
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