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Fitting Beast forms for Khajiit/Argonian


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Argonians should not be weredragons. Going off lore, there are only eight known lycanthropy forms - Werewolf, Wereboar, Wereshark, Werebear, Werecrocodile, Werelion, Werevulture and Weredaeroth (although there was only one created by Hircine). You can read more about them here: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Lore:Lycanthropy

I'm all for different forms of werebeasts, as long as they fit in with lore and are realistic (realism in a fantasy game, what is this nonsense?!). I also believe any race can become any werebeast, depending on what they are infected by. For ecample, an Orc can be a werewolf, a Argonian can be a Werevulture, etc.

But if we're going to do one for each race, there needs to be at least four extra. I'm going to quote what Vahn32 said on another thread since he (or she) summed it up perfectly:

High Elves: Werewolf: Gold fur. Tallest of the werewolves. Capable of using Werewolf abilities faster,

Argonians: Werecrocodiles: Instead of fur they have scales. Regenerate health constantly, perhaps even a camoflauge ability.

Wood Elves: Smallest of the Werewolves: Golden brown in color. Howl causes any animal to come to their aid including other weres. They can feed of these animals for additional health and time. While the weakest, they can leap farther then any were

Breton:Wereboar: Fur determined by hair clor. Werewolf absorbs magick causing it to enter a frenzy giving it extra damage to its attacks. It has a charge attack. Faster then a Werewolf during a charge but cant turn as well

Dunmer: Black werewolf with red eyes: The Dunmer ancestor ability grants this werewolf a fiery rage. Its claws and teeth become red hot and reistant to fire attacks. This Werewolf can breath fire with its howl.

Imperial: Standard Werewolf: Brown coloring. Imperial Werewolfs have a howl that actually charms its prey preventing it from attacking.

Khajiit: Werelions: Spotted or striped coloring. Werelions do extra damage with their claws. They have night vision. When Werelions move they are quite stealthy, only making a noise right before they strike their prey.

Nords: Werebears: White, Brown or Black: Werebears are a 100% resistant to cold. Their roar causes even the most powerful of creatures to run. Slower than the werewolves but more reistant to damage.

Orcs: Werebeast (Couldnt think of anything) A Werebeast is a Green Gorrilla like best, known have been known to be seen as they lay waste to anything all around them. As soon as a Werebeast is attacked or kills they enter a beserk range, as long as they are in this beserk rage the Werebeast loses health. The only way to replenish their health is to kill anything and everything around them. They are highly resistant to attacks but weak against magick. Broadest of Weres

Brenton: WereJackals: Fur is black like Anubis. Can run indefinently, incredible amounts of stamina they are the fastest of Weres. They can stay in their Wereform longer then any other race.

Elf Wolves should be slimmer than the other races

Human Wolves should be average.


The only changes I would make is that either the Redguards or Bretons be Wereboars, Altmer be Weresharks (they live on an island, surronded by water), and Bosmer become Werevultures.


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Nords are vanilla werewolves. Anything else would be off. Think about the Companions.

Bretons are werebears.

Ors are wereboars.

Also you forgot Redguards, they are black werewolves?


Edited by Derok
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I never said Nords couldn't be werewolves, I just quoted a post that gave some idea. And I said Redguards be Wereboars, silly :P Bretons could be wereboars too, since there are no werewolves in High Rock. Wereboars could work for Orcs.

In my opinion, any race can be any were-creatures, but these are the ones they are more likely to become

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I think all races are likely to become werewolves, I just say what transformation fit better these races.

Also I think High Elves could become werevoltures since they are related to birds. Weresharks are really rare or are just a legend.

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