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Fitting Beast forms for Khajiit/Argonian


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I'm not saying you can't do this, but what's the difference between ape to werewolf and cat or lizard to werewolf? Cats already have fur so it makes more sense than a human.


Well the "Wer-" of Werewolf means "man", so it should be "catwolf" instead.


Khajiit, however, are humanoid and thus "Wercats".


In oder to make it coherent they should be named "Werecatwolves".




Edited by Cuchon
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I'd just like to point out that men (AKA hairless apes) turning into wolves doesn't make much sense either.


Looks like LukeSkyrimmer already mentioned it.


Anyway, if you want it to make sense (meaning a predatory transformation supposedly closer to the original species), you'd need something like weregorillas for humans (though gorillas are less predatory than humans), weretigers for khajiit, werevelociraptors for argonians and who knows what you'd do for orsimer, dunmer and everybody else.

Edited by xaliqen
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I'd just like to point out that men (AKA hairless apes) turning into wolves doesn't make much sense either.


Looks like LukeSkyrimmer already mentioned it.


Anyway, if you want it to make sense (meaning a predatory transformation supposedly closer to the original species), you'd need something like weregorillas for humans (though gorillas are less predatory than humans), weretigers for khajiit, werevelociraptors for argonians and who knows what you'd do for orsimer, dunmer and everybody else.



Man -> Wolf is pretty much established, so there's no problem there.

The Wolf represents the beast-aspect, which, in case of Khajiit and Argonian already exists (cat,lizard).


As for the other races: for me it's the same deal as with humans.

The Mer and Nords/Redguards don't have a beast-aspect attached to them, so adding the Wolf makes perfect sense.


Their appearance, however, should differ in the color of the fur. (Orsimer get a slightly greenish fur etc.)

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Or.... we could just mod in all the other forms of lycanthropy in TES lore ^^ (Which as I recall, do include a feline and a reptilian option, in addition to a whole bunch of others, including sharks)


That gives the player quite a decent number of choices (ring of hircine would need to be programmed to select the correct form based on the player's beast form though. Wouldn't make much sense if you were a werecroc and it made you a werewolf o.o)

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  • 1 year later...

There is a mod that changes the werewolf form into a werecat instead, but it replaces ALL the werewolves and not just the player.



We don't want to Replace the Werewolves we just want Alternative Transformations for Certain Races.


Humans and Elves - Werewolf

Argonian - Humanoid Dragon

Khajiit - Sabercat, Lion, Tiger or Cougar

Orc - Unknown

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Or.... we could just mod in all the other forms of lycanthropy in TES lore ^^ (Which as I recall, do include a feline and a reptilian option, in addition to a whole bunch of others, including sharks)


That gives the player quite a decent number of choices (ring of hircine would need to be programmed to select the correct form based on the player's beast form though. Wouldn't make much sense if you were a werecroc and it made you a werewolf o.o)


If this means the seriously creepy werevultures (that REALLY need to be in an Elder Scrolls game) that are mentioned in some of the in game books, I'm all for it.

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  • 2 months later...

I wonder how long it takes for people to see the "Wolf" at "Werewolf".
No pun intended of course.
But there is Werewolves, that are half man and half men.
Werebears are partly bears and partly men.

I don't understand why Werewolf would actually be half cat.
Or well, Khajiit is part man, part cat. Thus werewolf would mean being 33% man, 33% cat, 33% wolf.
However, as 66% is "beast-like", cat and wolf, the creature would be more beast than man, thus walking on all fours and acting more like cat/wolf combination than a mere human + cat combination.

.. I hope someone understands what I mean.

In my opinion, it'd be much better to make whole new werebeast stuff.
For example:
Travel in woods > Get bitten by werecat > Turns you into werecat
Same for bear and crocodile.

It might be boatload of work.. But it would offer some really nice variation.

Different beast forms would be good at different things.
Bear = Brute force
Crocodile = Maybe poisonous?
Werecat = Sneaky
Werewolf = Most basic one, jack of all trades. Pack creature.

.. But it might take long time before someone starts to work on huge project like that.

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