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PipBoy Map Quest


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A mod request:


Hi there,


Saw the vanilla map on the Pipboy and thought: "Hey, this map shows only the bare minimum, Hope they will get better with some in-game upgrades to my pipboy". But I was disappointed. I wished Bethesda wouldn't miss the chance to make a cool quest out of this.


Maybe someone likes the idea and create a mod out of this




A quest to update the maps in your Pipboy.


Using maps like Immersiv Maps and make a quest to get an update to your map while you turn on the 5 relay towers (Relay tower 0BB-915, Relay tower 0DB-521, Relay tower 0MC-810, Relay tower 0SC-527, Relay tower 1DL-109). With every update you get a better map from Basic vanilla map, vanilla with roads.... to satellite map.


Some Ideas.

- You start with corrupted map where only the Sanctuary area is viewable and the other regions where TV-static (? snowy?)

- Codsworth give you the quest. Something like:"Oh master, I see there are some afflictions with your Pipboy map. Maybe you should upgrade it, to have some more travelling far-sightedness?" (I'm no native English speaker ;-)

- The relay towers could have some little quests too (need some stuff to repair, need electricity, some loony sniper kills every one who comes near the tower, tower is a worship site for the children of atom, or inside a Raider/Gunner Outpost... etc.)



- is it necessary to get to the relay tower in a special predefined order or is it possible to do it in a random order? (1 relay tower = vanilla map, 2 relay towers = vanilla with roads.... 5 relay towers = satellite map). I would prefer the random order.

- I think the relay towers will be retested after a time period. This should not happen.



- You can switch between the different maps

- Activate one special of the big satellite dishes (maybe Fort Hagen) and get a bonus feature to your satellite map. It will show you once a day the heat signatures of every creature in your surrounding on your satellite map


I posted this idea in a basic state to reptileye, the owner of Immersiv Maps and hi likes the idea, so I think he would support this mod with his quests (but better asking him before starting ;-))

Edited by SnertTheDog
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