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Game just crashed less than a few minutes ago, and when attempting to restart it I get the following errors.

Error [content0]game\explorations\exploration_movement_system\exploration_substates\skating\explorationstateskatehitlateral.ws(1): Unexpected end of file before comment at line '1' was closed
Error [content0]game\gameplay\items\rangedweapons\rangedweapon.ws(1262): Name identifier can contain only digits and letters
Error [content0]game\gameplay\items\rangedweapons\rangedweapon.ws(1263): Unexpected 'è'
Error [content0]game\gameplay\items\rangedweapons\rangedweapon.ws(1263): Unexpected 'Ø'
Error [content0]game\gameplay\items\rangedweapons\rangedweapon.ws(1263): Unexpected 'ü'
Error [content0]game\gameplay\items\rangedweapons\rangedweapon.ws(1263): Unexpected end of file found after '{' at line 1252

Running FriendlyHUD, HDReworkedProject, MapQuestObjectives and Console Enabler.


Edit: Realized my topic name disappeared for some reason. Should read [Help] Mod Compilation Errors

Edited by XandalorZ
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