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Dialogue Help

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I'm working on a quest mod that has you retrieve a sword for someone. As of now, you start the quest in the Bannered Mare in Whiterun. After you talk to the quest giver you are told to find a wizard to continue the quest. This is where the issue I have occurs. When you talk to the wizard there's supposed to be two options as long as you started the quest. One to continue the quest and the other is if you didn't start the quest. The issue is that after starting the quest, there is no quest marker to show where the wizard is and the continuation option doesn't appear when talking to him.

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There's not a lot to go on here - Assuming you have two dialogue options linked to a previous single dialogue - then one of the dialogue options needs to set a stage that sets the objective that will have a map marker and the other to a stage that doesn't (ie to whatever happens if the quest is refused).

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I have it to where you can accept or deny the original quest but once you accept it, there's nothing to show you where to go. There's also no option showing with the second NPC to follow the questline. Just the option for if you talk to him when passing through the area. I have a whole dialogue option that should continue the quest but it never shows up. I'm not sure at all how quest markers work or how to point them to a person no matter where they are in the world.

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For the objective you have created you create a Target Reference and you can select one of your Alias' to be the Target; this is what shows the map marker.

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I have a target reference set up and everything but there is still no quest marker. The continuation option is also not there which is the major problem right now. It seems like the quest isn't registering with the second NPC.

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There's another thing I just noticed. When you get a quest and look in your journal it shows a short description about what you're supposed to do. That doesn't show up either.

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Sounds like the quest is not setting the objective to be displayed; are you setting the correct stage in your dialogue? Difficult to know really without seeing your quest.

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