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Humble mod request: NPC's captured in cages pacified the same as animals.


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I've basically had this idea for a while. Ever since I first created an arena with the first Workshop DLC. I've looked around since, and ever tried to figure out how to do it myself. Unfortunately I'm a major noob and have yet been unable to identify where to even start. So, here I am. Begging. With a please tacked, of course. What I'd like to see is something that essentially makes human NPCs you capture in the cages tamable, the same as the wildlife.


Basically I'd like to be able to assign people to a platform, arm them, and then release my prisoners and have them act the same as animals. Passive to everyone but the arena combatants assigned to a platform. Now, of course I'm also not sure if this is even possible. I would really appreciate someone possibly looking into this, though. Thank you for your time.

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