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Two new things I noticed today


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In case you don't feel like reading my small story's here is the questions

1. Has anyone noticed AI followers are better at one thing than another? Do the followers by chance have a perk system as well?

2. Do bandit or anything else send out patrols?



Started over a new guy just to mess around and try some different skill specs. I grabbed the first follower you come across who trains in archery as well so made sure not to put anything but a bow on him to kinda see how he fared since he was supposed to be an archer... at first dungeon to get the dragon stone there are 3 guys outside i ran up attacked the one knowing the other two were shooting bows at me. First one goes down on to the next two but the follower had already downed them! I've grouped with Rea or whatever her name is from the companions as well and didn't notice her one shotting anything like this guy did so that leads to first question. Anyone noticed perks for the AI followers while playing around with the first few mods?


On to the second story after killing the first dragon i cleaned up the dead guards in his wake to sell off the gear. When i had filled up i went and sold off and went back cleaned up the rest and i see a group of 4 guys coming down the road 2 were in hide armor which led me to believe bandits, but i don't openly just start picking people off in the wilderness without checking first when i run up on them they are bandits 2 chiefs and 2 regular in fact! That leads to the second question Was this a patrol or just a random spawned group walking down the road?

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