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Vampire/Werewolf Mod


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So I've been thinking - it would be rather awesome if there were:

1) better Vampires, actually stronger than humans, which would be extremely (physically) strong, blinding fast and would have extraordinary regenerative powers BUT they need to be BURNED by the sun, not just receive a small health hit; ergo if they don't get into cover from the sun in a few seconds - vampire players die. Plus some other cons like garlic/silver/introduce something like verbane/verbena plant which would be almost deadly to the vampires (not fatal probably). Also something like an amulet/ring that will render them immune to the sun effect (walk in the sun freely) but, of course, would get some balancing. Vampires should use their physical prowess instead of spells/e.t.c. and should drain health physically, feed on victims' blood (kind of like werewolves do, except that vampires should drink blood, not eat flesh). Vampire balancing: gets killed by the sun, almost lethally weakened by some plant, can be staked (when the script extender comes out).

2) better Werewolves; although they are good as they are in the game, they need to have more physical stat boosts, also - werewolves in human form should be really strong too and also have extreme regenerative powers. Balancing: gets extremely weakened by silver, some plant (like the wolvesbane in the folklore), whether they should transform during nights (moon) or at will is up for you guys to decide (ergo something like an uncontrollable transformation during full moon and urge to kill).

3) werewolves and vampires should be arch-enemies and have constant battles/hatred. Also - maybe create a rarest being like a hybrid/werepyre?

4) there should be a joinable guild, with their own special monster hunting items (stakes, silver, verbane, wolfsbane) and skills/permanent active effects, of monster hunters (vampire/werewolf hunters - i.e. Van Helsing).


I know this is impossible at the moment, but I hope someone will like this idea, take it for an account/save it and make it when the editing tools/script extender come out.


P.S. Of course there is absolutely no need to ask me for permission, I only hope that someone will actually make something like this mod (I really love the whole vampire/werewolf/monster hunter thing).

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