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The movie Fido vs Fallout 4


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I realize this is sort of off topic, but hear me out. If there is a better place to put this, please do.


If you havent seen the movie Fido, go watch and you'll understand, its a comedy Zombie movie. It also shares a lot with Fallout 4.


- It's all 50's-ish

- The fenced towns are settlements

- The Zombies are just like Ferals

- The collars are beta wave emitters

- ZomCon is The Institute

- Radiation zones in both

- Even some of the furniture is the same

- The houses look like Convenant

- Milk Bottles!

- Bad Clothing!

- The Zombie War as they call it, could be current Fallout time


This place could actually find its way into the Fallout universe with little tweaking. It could be worked in as post 2287, the collars might be an interesting mod for Fallout 4.


I havent watched this movie in years, but as soon as it fired up, I almost fell over with the Fallout 4 stuff.


Either way, its a funny movie, you should watch it. Currently its free on Showtime On Demand.

Edited by Scrufdog
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