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Converting NIF Models to work with Fallout 3?


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I want to place FO4 nifs in FO3. The Vault NIFs to be specific. I hate the dirty, rusty vaults of FO3 and have gotten to where I would try to make new NIFs in 3DS max and put them in FO3. But My 3D Modeling experience rests mainly with AutoCAD. I do not plan to upload any mods to Nexus. This is more of an experiment.

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Now I understand better.


Converting FO4 nif to FO3 should be possible. But because the nif structure is quite different in both game, it won't be a one click process (like it is for converting Oblivion nif into fo3 with Blender, for instance). It will probably require several applications from which some are not totally ready, as I understand from reading the forums.

I can't tell you more because I'm not interested in that process myself.


As why it won't be possible to share these conversion on Nexus, simply because it is not allowed to port original games content from one game to another.


There are a couple of resources that offer clean version of the Vault meshes:




They can be used in FO3 and FNV without problem.


If you are about learning and challenges, I can only offer my moral support because I'm not knowledgeable enough to offer more, sorry.


Good luck!

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