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Beyond Reach--How to enter Evermore? "From Dust"


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exact same question...did a google search...nada...does ANYONE know?


Also, for the record, I did 'read' the reading the info as to the rock protecting it right in front.

I also tried killed the guards & putting on their protective uniforms...no effect.


The killer is this quest...and entering the summit of the lord (where it crashes each time I enter) ...are my only 2 visible quests to play



If I can't solve I'll have to leave the game entirely and go back to Skyrim...haven't yet tried to do that...hope its not hard...in many 3rd party quests its difficult or impossible to go back to the main game if you haven't completed it ;-(



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The solution lies in a quest that the guards outside the door of Evermore gives you. I don't remember the name of the quest but it implies to talk or kill a guard that has defected. You have to go to the afflicted village near Evermore and complete the quest. Then, qhen you return to the guards, they now trust you and allow you to enter Evermore (aka the door now is unlocked)

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