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Disable all default NPC equipment mod.


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The NPC's in Skyrim have a "Hidden inventory" that the player can not access, I would like this removed. Particularly for followers, because it prevents them from wearing everything that have lower armour value than their current armour. In Lydias case, that is half of the light armours and all clothes, enchanted or not. What is worse, they keep using that infernal hunting bow instead of the better bows I give them, and the only way to get around this is to use console commands "removeitem 10e2dd 1"


I tried killing Lydia, take all her equipment and then ressurecting her (console commands, not necromancy;) and what do you know, she spawned a whole new set of steel armour and that stupid hunting bow and did not wear the dress i had intended for her.


So removing this annoying feature would get a download and endorse from me..

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  • 3 months later...

i could throw something together like this. make all of the npc followers just wear normal cloths and then delete that stupid hunting bow from the game completely. (not sure what effect it will have but they are the only npcs that use it)

that way they will wear whatever you give them.. when you recruit them you have to trade one item from them to equip what they have.


it wont change the type of armor they have skill for, most of the followers are set to use heavy armor. unless you setav them with lightarmor skill they wont do much good

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