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Minor things I wish were different


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I'm sorry if any of these have all ready been talked about but I couldn't find them, also I love this game so I'm not trying to troll or anything here, these are just a couple minor things that I wish were different and once I get a better pc and get the pc version I'm sure will be modded.


First, In my game at least every single child looks exactly the same. There are only nord children and they are all ass holes.


Second, It seems they took a step back from Oblivion with staves visually in the respect that when I put my staff away it just dissapears. Two handed weapons can go on my back so why can't a staff...this seems like a ridiculous thing to just be like oh let's not put it on there back even though you can see any other weapon in the game.


Lastly, and I'm sure this one is all ready some where but why the hell are dragons not nearly the hardest thing to fight in the game...I will take a dragon over a giant any time and half the trolls I seem to fight could kill a dragon. Now I do occasionally fight a dragon that seems a lot more powerful than the others but I would think even a weak young dragon would still be more powerful than most things.


But alas, I love this game and have devoted many hours to it and I intend to keep doing so. Let me know what you guys think of these things and if any of these could be patched.

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My main concerns so far-


Smithing/Enchanting/Alchemy are broken if you put a little time into them.


Dragons are mainly nonsense, very easy to kill, giants and those yeti things are far too hard in comparison.


Sneaking is overpowered with a little points invested into it.


Every magic school is missing at least 1 fundamental (im not even talking about Levitation or anything broken) spell from previous games. Alteration unlock spell for example.


Weather transitions are still way too fast (instant snowstorms)


They made raindrops affect rivers but not npc's


No footprints in snow


Nights and dungeons still far too bright

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My main concerns so far-


Smithing/Enchanting/Alchemy are broken if you put a little time into them.


Dragons are mainly nonsense, very easy to kill, giants and those yeti things are far too hard in comparison.


Sneaking is overpowered with a little points invested into it.


Every magic school is missing at least 1 fundamental (im not even talking about Levitation or anything broken) spell from previous games. Alteration unlock spell for example.


Weather transitions are still way too fast (instant snowstorms)


They made raindrops affect rivers but not npc's


No footprints in snow


Nights and dungeons still far too bright


Bethesda stated before the game came out that they had no intention of making it so your foot prints appear in the snow. The don't do environmental changes like that. Probably never will at least untill next gen consoles.

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