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Modding's newbie, game's dinosaurs.


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Hello everybody!


Here comes my introduction : French guy, who started games with Atari's console and nevers missed a scale until now, I played mostly on console. Well, exept for monsters like UFO enemy unknown (the old one, not the watered-down newer version).


I always played with my own rules, using the action replay and game genie A LOT! The playstation era was the funniest period of my gaming life, being able to twist almost every rules and gameplay mechanics. For those who don't know, the action replay give us the ability to make the game easier... but not only. In fact, a lot of codes were there to make the game hardcorelike. Now, I don't have the physical capacity anymore to play so hard games but it is not that who brings me to the modding scene.


Non-polished games, neeverending updates, core progams as stables as a nitroglycerine canister dropped in the great canyon... enough is enough. Especially with the Xboxone and PS4 who are solely PC in disguise, I no longer have any need to stay here and shifted in the PC gaming world.


My PC was an outdated working version running with the earlier WinXP. So, I bought an iCore i5 with an Nvidia GTX950 to stop the blood pouring out my eyes.


So here I am, searching new gameplay rules and lore-friendly stuff for the three Fallout games and the three Elders Scrolls supported by the Nexus. I'm pretty motivated : I even take the life-long membership.


Here comes the french Shepard, leaving the vast and empty space of consoles and lurking in both wastelands and other non-friendly countrysides.

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I have heard of that thing before. the game genie.

I think its alot like what makes u want to make mods. U can make something different and put it in the game.


I think the funnest period is still coming.

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